Briefcases for Lacoste Footwear

At Trifibre we’re always up for a challenge when it comes to building cases to meet individual requirements.

Our latest build was for Lacoste Footwear; our in-house designers and manufacturing team had to build briefcases which Lacoste could use for sending to key media and influencers to support the launch of their new footwear collection.

Our client provided us with their requirements and our skilled designers worked round the clock to make sure the design was perfect before it went in to production. After the design was signed off by our valuable customer, it was then up to the manufacturers to build the briefcases.

Our manufacturing team took the challenge on board and made sure they built each briefcase to an extremely high quality ensuring they were all exactly the same & all cases had to be built and individually screen printed by our skilled printers giving the final presentation touches.

This project was a real team effort which combined our Trifibre Design and Display team’s experience with our case making experience. It was therefore an ideal project to showcase a good range of our capabilities including: Design, Manufacture, Spray Shop, CNC foam routing & Screen Printing.