
Flight Cases – Back in Style for Marketing!

From a performance and function stand point, flight cases have never been out of style – tough, practical and multi adaptable on design. However, Trifibre are seeing a growing trend when it comes to working with design houses and studios for marketing purposes.

The retro look flight case styling is now back on trend.

Often the image of the flight case is that of the rock and roll Star or the fast lane of motorsport. However, things are changing.

Over recent months more work has been done with companies for marketing their products and services. These include:

Jameson …To name a few…

Design Houses find the flight case concept as a product that is easy to work with.

Sizing and presentation as well a speed of production make a flight case easy to specify. Colours, printing and the addition of lush foam fabric or routed interiors add the taste of quality to this cost effective solution.

Whether your need is large or small, call us today on +44 (0)116 232 3166 to learn more about flight cases for marketing.