Trifibre Goes to the Extreme – Xtreme Everest Cho Oyu II

The Xtreme Everest Expedition is a medical research project to the world’s highest mountain, where we plan to undertake studies into how the human body copes with hypoxia (low oxygen levels). This information will hopefull lead to better treatment of the critically ill.

When we decided to carry out a practise run for Everest by climbing the world’s 6th highest mountain, Cho Oyu, we needed to protect our medical research equipment against all that such an arduous expedition would subject them to.

With the equipment being of high value and not designed to leave the comfort of a hospital ward, we had to ensure we chose the best possible cases, which could survive temperatures down to -20 degrees C, heights up to 26,000 feet, being lugged around by Sherpas, carried by Yaks and left out in all weathers.

For us there was only one choice and that was the Challenger (Explorer) range of cases by Trifibre.

The cases performed brilliantly and even though equipment was forced to be left out at times under 3 feet of snow, nothing got damaged, nothing got wet and everything worked as it should have.

The success of our expedition to Cho Oyu means that we are in a strong position to attempt Everest and this is partly due to the reliability of Trifibre cases.

Our expedition to Everest will involve in the region of 12 tons of equipment, a lot of which will be packed in cases supplied by Trifibre. We can highly recommend them when heading off on remove and arduous expeditions.

When it matters – use Trifibre.